Logistics and operations teams use this module to track, monitor, and report on the use and maintenance of project vehicles.
This module allows finance and operations to track, monitor, and report all employee time spent on project activities.
This module can help project teams to uniquely identify project beneficiaries for accurate resource allocation and reporting.
Poola is a modularly designed, web and mobile app that allows organizations to manage pooled resources, track them, and run reports on their usage.
Examples of Pooled Resources
Poola is an offline-first solution, allowing users to record information in offline mode and sync it once they gain access to the internet.
Organization setup is done on the web-based backend, while data is collected on mobile/handheld devices, currently available only on Android.
Before any organization can begin using Poola, it must subscribe to one or more of the available modules.
Try it FreeAdministrators can easily filter and export system reports in various formats, for utilization in other systems. Some of the available formats include: Excel, CSV, PDF and more.
Designed with highly extensible external-facing APIs, Poola allows organizations to quickly pull out data and bring it into existing systems.
Try it FreePoola modules can be utilized by organizations working across a wide range of industries, including:
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